9.0.0 Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples
From the beginning of Christianity, the natural overflow of being a disciple of Jesus has always been to make disciples of Jesus. “Follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4: 19). This was a promise: Jesus would take His disciples and turn them into disciple makers. And this was a command: He called each of His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey Him (Matt. 28: 19– 20). From the start, God’s design has been for every single disciple of Jesus to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples until the gospel spreads to all peoples. This course is a twelve-week study of the book Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples, by Francis Chan. The Multiply study is designed to help students equip and carry out Jesus' ministry through developing discipleship relationships.
9.1.1 Section 1 Objectives
By the end of this topic, students should be able to:
9.1.2 Section 1 Content
9.2.1 Section 2 Objectives
By the end of this topic, students should be able to:
9.2.2 Section 2 Content
9.3.1 Section 3 Objectives
By the end of this topic, students should be able to:
9.3.2 Section 3 Content
9.4.1 Section 4 Objectives
By the end of this topic, students should be able to:
9.4.2 Section 4 Content
9.5.1 Section 5 Objectives
By the end of this topic, students should be able to:
9.5.2 Section 5 Content
9.6.1 Section 6 Objectives
By the end of this topic, students should be able to:
9.6.2 Section 6 Content
By the end of this topic, students should be able to:
- define the term “disciple” as it appears and is used in the New Testament
- discuss with clarity the accounts of Jesus calling His disciples in the New Testament
- explain how it might be possible for someone to be a Christian but not be a disciple
- recognize the role that repentance plays in becoming a disciple
- recognize the role of God’s Lordship plays in becoming a disciple
- summarize scriptures in the New Testament calling disciples to display love
- consider the cost of being a follower of Jesus
- discuss the significance of the Great Commission and its impact on our own lives
- explain the three elements of the Great Commission
- list and summarize the responsibilities of a disciple
- explain the dangers of teaching and why we must proceed with caution
- apply the principles of teaching with the example of love in daily life
9.1.2 Section 1 Content
- What Is a Disciple?
- How Do I Become a Disciple?
- The Lord of Grace
- It All Comes Down to Love
- Count the Cost
- The Command to Make Disciples
- The Great Commission and the Church
- More Than a Program
- Equipped to Do the Work of Ministry
- Taking the First Step
- Working Together to Make Disciples
- The Heart of a Disciple Maker
- Teaching Is Dangerous
- Love Comes First
- Teaching by Example
9.2.1 Section 2 Objectives
By the end of this topic, students should be able to:
- explain the significance of the church in the discipleship process
- apply what it means to ‘commit your life to the church’
- list opportunities where one might be able to minister to others
- define the term “salvation” as it is used in Ezekiel 36:26-27
- recall scriptures in the New Testament describing God’s transformational power
- explain the role of the local church in the mission of reaching out to the world
- discuss how love should be the motivating force behind our actions
- identify the words of Paul in the New Testament that serve to define the concepts of being a missionary for God’s plan of redemption
- define various ways we could become missionaries as we respond to God’s call
- illustrate the vision God presents of the fulfillment of His plan of redemption
9.2.2 Section 2 Content
- Life in the Church
- Committing Your Life to the Church
- Bearing One Another’s Burdens
- Getting beneath the Surface
- Transformed by the Gospel
- Every Member Doing Its Part
- Living as the Church
- Known by Our Love
- A Compelling Community
- A Kingdom of Priests
- Your Church Matters
- Living as the Church
- All the Families of the Earth
- Where Christ Has Not Been Named
- Before the End Will Come
- Working Together for the Gospel
- A Vision of the End
9.3.1 Section 3 Objectives
By the end of this topic, students should be able to:
- explain the purpose of studying the Bible
- list and discuss motivators that cause us to read the Bible
- list and discuss the reasons why God gave us the Bible
- summarize best methods of studying the Bible
- recognize that reading the Bible is the same as hearing the voice of God
- recognize the role that prayer has in reading/studying the Bible
- recognize the importance of acting in obedience in accordance with what we read
- discuss how faith will determine how we read the Bible and how to live as people who are empowered by the very Spirit of God
- develop techniques to transform our lives based on what we read in God’s word
- explain the differences between interpretation and application in Bible study
9.3.2 Section 3 Content
- How to Study the Bible
- Studying the Right Book for the Wrong Reasons
- Why Did God Give Us the Bible?
- Approaching the Mind of God
- Right Motivation Makes All the Difference
- Studying the Bible Devotionally
- Prayer and Understanding
- Studying the Bible Obediently
- Studying the Bible with Faith
- The Bible and Transformation
- Studying Logically
- Know the Difference between Interpretation and Application
9.4.1 Section 4 Objectives
By the end of this topic, students should be able to:
- recognize that the Bible is God’s story
- explain who God is, based on the passages in Genesis 1-2
- explain God’s intended relationship with us, based on the passages in Genesis 1-2
- summarize how Adam and Eve’s sin (the fall) changed their world
- summarize how the fall sin affects us today
- summarize how the fall changes our relationship with God
- discuss how God works out His promise of redemption in the Old Testament
- discuss how God was faithful to the people of the Old Testament
- explain the role sacrifice/atonement played in maintaining a relationship with God
- illustrate the importance of God’s presence on earth throughout the Old Testament
- discuss God’s covenant with man for a restored presence and relationship with us
9.4.2 Section 4 Content
- Understanding the Old Testament
- Who Is God?
- This Is God’s World
- In the Image of God
- The Personal God of Genesis 2
- Life in the Garden
- The Fall
- The World Became a Different Place
- From Cain to Babel
- The Story Continues in Spite of Sin
- God’s Covenant with Abraham
- God’s Promise of Redemption
- The Covenant Confirmed
- Creating a People for Himself
- The Gospel According to Abraham
- The Faith of Abraham
- Exodus and Redemption
- Moses’s Encounter with I AM
- Let My People Go
- The Passover Lamb
- Through the Red Sea
- A Forgetful People
- A Holy God and Sinful People
- Maintaining the Relationship
- Blessing and Curse
- A Kingdom of Priests
- Sacrifice and Atonement
- Sacrifice in the Unfolding Old Testament Story
- Sacrifice in the Law of Moses
- A Graphic Reminder of Sin
- The Day of Atonement
- The Problem with Animal Sacrifices
- God’s Presence in the Garden
- God’s Blessing without God’s Presence
- God’s Presence Will Fill the Earth
- The King of Creation
- The Coming King
- Searching for the Kingdom of God
- The New Covenant
9.5.1 Section 5 Objectives
By the end of this topic, students should be able to:
- summarize the different views Jews had how God would restore the kingdom
- explain how God had prepared the way throughout history for Jesus to become the Messiah
- discuss the details in the Bible that let us know that Jesus was fully human
- discuss the details in the Bible that let us know that Jesus was fully God
- recognize that Jesus was the One who would fulfill God’s Old Testament promises
- explain how Jesus brought the coming of the kingdom
- summarize the Great Commission and the mission of the church
- discuss the role the Holy Spirit plays in the continuing presence of Jesus today
- understand the person, purpose and power of the Spirit of God
- list the characteristics of the early church described in the New Testament
- describe our role in God’s plan for redeeming the nations
- summarize God’s plan for the end of this world and the beginnings of the new heavens and the new earth
9.5.2 Section 5 Content
- Jesus the Messiah
- The Fulfillment of God’s Plan
- The Kingdom of God
- Life through Death
- “Follow Me”
- The Mission of the Church
- The Authority of Jesus
- A Worldwide Mission
- The Call to Make Disciples
- The Continuing Presence of Jesus
- The Power of the Holy Spirit
- Who Is the Holy Spirit?
- The Spirit in the New Testament
- The Spirit of God and the Word of God
- The Ministry of the Spirit
- The Spirit in God’s Mission
- The Spirit of God in the Church
- The Early Church
- The Church in the Modern World
- God’s Plan for the Nations
- A Jewish Messiah for All People
- The Multicultural Community of the Redeemed
- The Beginning of the End
- The Return of the King
- The New Heavens and New Earth
- A Day of Judgment
- Living with the End in View
9.6.1 Section 6 Objectives
By the end of this topic, students should be able to:
- apply the teachings in Matthew 28:19-20 into a life of discipleship
- understand our invitation and our part in God’s plan
- explain our daily responsibilities as a disciple
- discuss how we can allow God to speak to us through His word\
- arrange and conduct a Bible study with someone else
9.6.2 Section 6 Content
- Where Do We Go from Here?